Worship Services
Regular Worship Services at
Sundays at 9:30 am
Saturdays at 5:00 pm
All who are baptized are welcome at communion.
Communion is celebrated at each regular worship service.
The Choir sings at most services from September through May
Handbell Choir
We have an active handbell choir that plays at several services thoughout the year.
Children's Sermon
Many Sunday services will have a message designed for the younger members of the congregation.
Chime Choir
Similar to the Handbell Choir, the Chime Choir is for the youth of our congergation. They also perform at several services throughout the year.
Some services serve as special events. In September, we have a blessing of the quilts, celebrating the work of the Women of the ELCA. Just before Christmas, one service will be taken over by the Sunday School Christmas program.
We’d love to talk in person on the weekend, or you can email anytime.