Don’t be intimidated!
Since the first visit to a church can be a little intimidating we have put together some helpful information for you.
We hope this will answer most questions about our church and how we do things in our services.
If you have any questions when you visit, please don’t hesitate to ask.
You Are Here!
We’re glad you came!
You will find plenty of parking either in our upper or lower lot. Handicap parking is available in the upper parking lot. The upper level is also wheelchair accessible.
Greeters will welcome you at the door and answer any questions you may have. Coat racks are available to the left around the corner from the front entrance in the Narthex (or lobby).
What should I wear?
Since God didn’t specify any required attire for church, we don’t either. You will see people in a wide array of clothing from a suit or dress to a t-shirt and jeans. Wear what you feel comfortable in. We will welcome you.
What about the service?
As you enter the Sanctuary (our worship space), the ushers will give you a bulletin that has the order of the service in it along with other information as to what else is going on in the church. (Large print bulletins are available upon request)
What about the offering?
After the sermon, the offering plate will be sent around. This is a blessed time for our regular members to give in support of the work of the church. Each one gives as the Lord leads.
2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” As a visitor, your gifts are welcome if you feel led to give an offering, but do not feel obligated to do so.
What about Communion?
All who have been baptized are welcome to receive Holy Communion. The Pastor will give instructions prior to Communion and the ushers will direct worshipers to the front. Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are available - just ask your server. If you are unable to come up to the altar, please notify the ushers and we will be happy to serve you.